Six of Swords
The most common interpretation of the Six of Swords is moving towards calmer waters or about traveling away from conflict. Sometimes, this could mean making progress towards your goals. The Six of Swords can also refer to actual movement. In traditional tarot, the Six of Swords depicts a woman and child being rowed away from shore. They seem to be leaving something behind and perhaps, may be leaving their identities behind. Since the Six of Swords follows the chaos and disruption of the Five of Swords, this card is about moving away from conflict and towards something better and more promising.
In the upright position, the Six of Swords is about positive transitions i.e. moving from one place to another, and moving to a better place. The Six of Swords is about letting go of the past, leaving past baggage behind as you move towards calmer waters. In love, this could be moving on from a relationship. Sometimes, this card could also mean an ex coming back to reconcile, especially if there has been a lot of time since the break up. In career and finance, this card symbolises transitioning from a chaotic work environment to something calmer. You may be shifting out of a department and into another or taking on a new role, this could also mean job switches.
In the reversed position, the Six of Swords could mean that there is difficulty in moving on and moving forward. You may be holding onto the past and afraid to let go and take a leap of faith to transition out of this current cycle. In love, this could symbolise being unable to move or let go of an ex. There could be grief and shame and guilt that you or the querent is still holding onto. In career and finances, this could mean that you are feeling trapped in your current circumstances (i.e. being trapped in your job or in your course or in your home), and not having the resources to move out of it, or not taking the opportunity to move out of it.